Weight loss camp in Thailand

Group Workouts

Kick start Yoga

Cardio Blast

Muay Thai Boxing

Strength Training

Plyometric Exercises

Playing sports

Spa & Massage
Boot Camp Benefits
Everyone deserves the opportunity to rejuvinate and renew there mind and body, but how and where does one start? Boot camp Thailand is a passionate group of health enthusiest eager to encourage and inspire all levels of fitness.

Location: Chiang Mai
Located in the beautiful mountains of Chiang Mai, this fitness boot camp is loaded with adventure, excietment, and cultural experiences only found in Thailand.

Healthy quality food
Activity is good, the right food is essential for weight loss. Chiang Mai offers quality food for reasonable price, stick to our meal plan you will lose a lot of weight.

Various activities is the key
Our fitness boot campt is designed to offer our guests a wide range of fit activities from yoga, circute training, and muay thai to biking tours and relaxing aquitic exercises.

Vacation and sightseing
Mixing the boot camp program with cultural and relaxing activities assures that you will also learn about Thai culturere as well being pampered with luxurious massage and spa packages.

Healthy diet
To help you reach your goals for the boot camp we plan and provide most of your meals during the boot camp. breakfast, brunch, lunch and midday snack will be provided everyday. For the dinner you can choose from the wide variety of Chiang Mai restaurants, of course we will give our recommendations as well as dinner guidelines.

Diet that works